Adding Endpoints

As with all projects, their functionality will expand over time, growing beyond the basic CRUD endpoints generated by Temple. So that you don't have to rewrite entire sections of your application, we've made it easy to add new endpoints to your service, with full access to any functions we've predefined for you.

This short guide will walk you through how to add addtional endpoints to your application, using the ExampleProject from the Getting Started guide. We'll also assume you have a fairly good understanding of the Go language.

Customising Your Service

In the example-service directory, you'll find the following files and folders:

├── Dockerfile
├── config.json
├── dao
│   ├── dao.go
│   ├── datastore.go
│   └── errors.go
├── example-service.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── hook.go
├── setup.go
└── util
└── util.go

We're most interested in setup.go for this guide, which is where you can add additional logic that won't be lost if you need to regenerate your Templefile (see the Regeneration guide for more on this).

This file will start off looking fairly empty:

package main
import ""
func (env *env) setup(router *mux.Router) {
// Add user defined code here

The setup method defined on env is invoked before the HTTP server is started. This means you can:

  • register hooks, to be executed before or after any database calls (see the Hooks guide for more information)
  • add additional endpoints

Adding New Endpoints

The setup function in setup.go defines a function which takes a mux.Router as an argument. When we generate each endpoint, we register it with this router. For more information about mux, check out their documentation.

You're able to take advantage of all of mux's features, including registering new endpoints.

We'll start off by adding a new route, and defining a handler for that route:

package main
import (
func (env *env) setup(router *mux.Router) {
router.HandleFunc("/example-service/{id}/custom-endpoint", env.CustomHandler).Methods(http.MethodGet)
func (env *env) CustomHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

The handler we define here follows type required by the mux.Router. One important difference is that we define the handler on the env object. This is so that we are able to access the DAO, Hooks as well as Comm, an object for providing inter-service communication, from inside the handler.

Let's populate the handler with an error response, since we haven't quite decided what we want the handler to do yet:

package main
import (
func (env *env) setup(router *mux.Router) {
router.HandleFunc("/example-service/{id}/custom-endpoint", env.CustomHandler).Methods(http.MethodGet)
func (env *env) CustomHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
respondWithError(w, "TODO!", http.StatusTeapot)

Let's now spin up our project and try some requests:

❯❯❯ source
# Create a new entity
❯❯❯ curl -X POST $KONG_ENTRY/api/example-service -d '{"foo": "hello", "bar": 123}'
# Use the new endpoint
❯❯❯ curl -X GET $KONG_ENTRY/api/example-service/7bbe6302-8413-11ea-80e8-0242c0a83002/custom-endpoint