Templefile Primitives

Templefiles support 8 primitive types, roughly aligned with those found in SQL style languages. Any attribute of a service can be of any of these types.

string(maxLength: int, minLength: int)
int(max: int, min: int, precision: int = 4)
float(max: float, min: float, precision: int = 8)
data(maxSize: int)


Many types include optional parameters, which will be enforced as either column constraints on the database table, or as checks in server-side code. All parameters are optional.



Used for storing Boolean truthfulness.

Possible values: true, false

string(maxLength: int, minLength: int)

Used for storing textual data, equivalent to the TEXT datatype in SQL.

For a fixed-length string, provide the same parameter twice, e.g. string(20, 20). If a single argument is given, this is the upper bound.

String parameters

  • maxLength: int: The maximum number of characters allowable in the string (inclusive).
  • minLength: int: The minimum number of characters allowable in the string (inclusive).

int(max: int, min: int, precision: int = 4)

Used for storing signed integers.

Int parameters

  • max: int: The highest value allowed to be stored, inclusive.
  • min: int: The lowest value allowed to be stored, inclusive.
  • precision: int = 4: The precision argument is the number of bytes of precision to use. This must be between 1 and 8. E.g. if precision is 4, there are at least 4 bytes = 32 bits used to store the number, so the numbers -231 to 231-1 will be storable.

float(max: float, min: float = 0.0, precision: int = 8)

Used for storing real numbers, in IEEE floating point format.

Float parameters

  • max: float: The highest value allowed to be stored.
  • min: float: The lowest value allowed to be stored.
  • precision: int = 8: The minimum number of bytes used to store the floating point number. This must be between 1 and 8, and may be rounded up by the implementation.


Used for representing calendar dates. Stored in YYYY-MM-DD format with values in possible range of 0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31.


Used for representing times of day, but does not refer to one specific moment in time. Stored in HH:MM:SS.NNNNNN format with values in possible range of 00:00:00.0000000 through 23:59:59.9999999.


Used for representing specific moments in time, with a particular timezone. Stored in UTC in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.NNNNNN' format.

data(maxSize: long)

Used for storing binary file objects.

Data parameters

  • maxSize: long: The maximum file size allowable in bytes. Note that numeric literals may use the suffixes k, M and G as multipliers, for one 103, 106 and 109 respectively.