
Welcome to the Temple installation guide!

In order to get using Temple, you'll need to install the Temple CLI.


If installing locally, the Temple CLI requires Java 11 or above to run. We also support installation via a Docker image.

In order to build and orchestrate generated services, you'll need:

  • Docker
  • For projects orchestrated with Docker-Compose:
  • For projects orchestrated with Kubernetes:

Installation Instructions

We currently support direct installation on MacOS and Linux, as well as through a Docker container. Windows users are recommended to use the Docker container.

Installation is via Homebrew. To install, run:
❯❯❯ brew tap templeeight/temple
❯❯❯ brew install temple


To confirm that the Temple CLI has been installed locally, run:

❯❯❯ temple --version

If you're using Docker, any commands you pass after the image name will be executed within the container. To invoke temple --version, run:

❯❯❯ docker run templeeight/temple:latest temple --version

Additional Information for Docker Users


Since the Temple project involves the generation of code, you will need to mount a directory into the container so that files can be synchronised between the two environments.

To do this, use the -v flag in docker run to create a bind mount from your local directory system into the container.

For example, the following command mounts the directory /Users/temple/project into the container at the location /home/project, runs the Temple image, and invokes the temple binary with the flag --version.

docker run \
-v /Users/temple/project:/home/project:rw \
templeeight/temple:latest \
temple --version

This also means that any paths you provide to the Temple executable will need to be using the container's file system and not the host's:

docker run \
-v /Users/temple/project:/home/project:rw \
templeeight/temple:latest \
temple validate /home/project/example.temple

Installing the Syntax Highlighter


If you're using VSCode for Temple development, we have a syntax highlighter for Templefiles in the marketplace. Simply follow this link or search "Templefile" in VSCode!

VSCode Syntax Highlighting


We also support syntax highlighting in the IntelliJ suite of IDEs: