The following Templefile captures Deliveroo's core model, the food delivery service.
Deliveroo: project {#language(go);#database(postgres);#authMethod(email);#provider(dockerCompose);#metrics(prometheus);}// Since the project has auth, #readable and #writable for all services default to (by: this)// Users order dishes, paid for with their billing accountUser: service {firstName: string;lastName: string;email: string;address: string;billingAccount: Billing;#auth;}// Riders deliver orders, location included for the user to know where they areRider: service {firstName: string;lat: float(90.0, -90.0);long: float(180.0, -180.0);#auth;}// Restaurants make dishes to be picked up by ridersRestaurant: service {name: string;address: string;openTime: time;closeTime: time;#auth;#enumerable;#readable(by: all);}// An order marks a dish to be delivered by a rider from a restaurant to a userOrder: service {user: User;restaurant: Restaurant;rider: Rider;address: string;orderTime: datetime @serverSet;status: string;// An order can have many dishesOrderItem: struct {dish: Dish;#enumerable;}#omit[delete];#enumerable;}// A dish is made by a restaurant and is delivered to a userDish: service {name: string;description: string;price: float(0.0);restaurant: Restaurant;Img: struct {img: data(4M);#enumerable;}#enumerable;#readable(by: all)}// A billing account for a user, kept separately for securityBilling: service {creditCard: string(16,16); // creditCards must be exactly 16 chars longexpiry: date;billingAddress: string;}