Business Logic & Hooks

We know that the code generated by Temple won't necessarily satisfy every use case. That's why we made it easy to modify and extend the application logic, without sacrificing the ability to regenerate code after. This short guide will walk you through how to add custom business logic to your application. We'll be using the ExampleProject from the Getting Started guide, and we'll assume you have a basic familiarity with Go syntax.

Adding custom logic

In the example-service directory, you'll find the following files and folders:

├── Dockerfile
├── config.json
├── dao
│ ├── dao.go
│ ├── datastore.go
│ └── errors.go
├── example-service.go
├── go.mod
├── hook.go
├── setup.go
└── util
└── util.go

We're most interested in setup.go for this guide, which is where you can add additional logic that won't be lost if you need to regenerate your Templefile.

This file will start off looking fairly empty:

package main
import ""
func (env *env) setup(router *mux.Router) {
// Add user defined code here

The setup method defined on env here is invoked before the HTTP server is started. It gives you, the developer, the opportunity to:

  • register hooks, to be executed before or after any database calls
  • register new endpoints with the router

Hooks provide an interface for you to define custom logic that is executed before or after a specific database interaction. This may include logic for additional validation of request parameters or providing values to be stored that are not included in the request (see Value Annotations for more on this).

Registering a hook

Within the env object that the setup method is defined on, you will find an attribute called hook. Hook is a struct that is defined in hook.go, which defines two methods for each endpoint. These are named Before<endpoint> and After<endpoint>, where <endpoint> may be any one of Create, Read, Update, Delete, List or Identify. More information on these endpoints can be found in Service Architecture.

For our example project, the two methods for the Create endpoint are as follows:

func (h *Hook) BeforeCreate(hook func(env *env, req createExampleServiceRequest, input *dao.CreateExampleServiceInput) *HookError) {
func (h *Hook) AfterCreate(hook func(env *env, exampleService *dao.ExampleService) *HookError) {

By defining a function that matches the argument type defined here, then passing it to the function, we are able to execute arbitrary code before or after the datastore interaction for each endpoint. The types of each hook vary, depending on the operation they are defined for. For example, where a request body is not provided, such as in a GET request, the req argument is omitted from the hook.

If we modify our setup.go to include a new function called ourCustomHook, where the arguments to the function match those for the BeforeCreate argument, we can register a new hook that will be invoked every time a new create request is issued.

Our code will now read:

package main
import (
func (env *env) setup(router *mux.Router) {
func ourCustomBeforeHook(env *env, req createExampleServiceRequest, input *dao.CreateExampleServiceInput) *HookError {
return nil

Modifying the DAO request

Now that we have defined our custom hook, we can start populating it with additional logic. To start, we will show how you can modify the DAO request. The DAO provides a common interface to access a backing store, without directly exposing the implementation details of doing so. More information about this can be found in Service Architecture.

The custom hook we defined takes 3 parameters:

  • the environment, env
  • the request provided by the user, req
  • the input to the datastore request, input

The input object is passed as a pointer, which gets directly passed to the DAO after the hook invocation and will be used as the query for the datastore. This means if we update any attributes of this object, the data store call will be updated too. This may be particularly useful if you're using attribute annotations such as @server or @serverSet, as defined in the Value Annotations guide, since these attributes are not provided in the request, but are stored in the datastore.

In the following example, we modify all Create requests to the datastore so that each foo property contains the string "Hello, World!".

package main
import (
func (env *env) setup(router *mux.Router) {
func ourCustomBeforeHook(env *env, req createExampleServiceRequest, input *dao.CreateExampleServiceInput) *HookError {
input.Foo = "Hello, world!"
return nil

If we perform some example requests, we see that our hook updates the object that is stored, irrespective of what was passed in the request:

# Create a new object
❯❯❯ curl -X POST $KONG_ENTRY/api/example-service -d '{"foo": "abcd", "bar": 10}'
{"id":"43cc65f5-823c-11ea-9dc4-0242ac180003","foo":"Hello, world!","bar":10}
# Retrieve that same object
❯❯❯ curl -X GET $KONG_ENTRY/api/example-service/43cc65f5-823c-11ea-9dc4-0242ac180003
{"id":"43cc65f5-823c-11ea-9dc4-0242ac180003","foo":"Hello, world!","bar":10}

Conditionally updating the datastore input

As well as updating the datastore request, we could also use the user's request to conditionally update certain fields:

package main
import (
func (env *env) setup(router *mux.Router) {
func ourCustomBeforeHook(env *env, req createExampleServiceRequest, input *dao.CreateExampleServiceInput) *HookError {
if (req.Bar == 5) {
input.Foo = "Hello, world!"
return nil

This will only update the value of Foo if the value 5 is passed for bar:

# Create a new object where Bar != 5
❯❯❯ curl -X POST $KONG_ENTRY/api/example-service -d '{"foo": "abcd", "bar": 10}'
# Create a new object where Bar == 5
❯❯❯ curl $KONG_ENTRY/api/example-service -d '{"foo": "abcd", "bar": 5}'
{"id":"f244e8f0-823c-11ea-84ea-0242ac170003","foo":"Hello, world!","bar":5}

Modifying the response to the client

As well as creating a hook that is invoked before the datastore call, we are able to define a hook that is invoked after the datastore call. For the same ExampleService as the previous examples, a hook invoked after creating an object would look like:

package main
import (
func (env *env) setup(router *mux.Router) {
func ourCustomAfterHook(env *env, exampleService *dao.ExampleService) *HookError {
return nil

There are only two arguments to this function:

  • the environment, env
  • the newly created object, exampleService

We are able to modify the object that has just been created, before it is returned to the client, by updating the attributes of the object exampleService:

package main
import (
func (env *env) setup(router *mux.Router) {
func ourCustomAfterHook(env *env, exampleService *dao.ExampleService) *HookError {
exampleService.Bar = 42
return nil

Since this only modifies the response to the client, and not what's stored in the datastore, the value will not be modified in any subsequent GET requests:

# Create a new object
❯❯❯ curl $KONG_ENTRY/api/example-service -d '{"foo": "abcd", "bar": 10}'
# Retrieve that same object
❯❯❯ curl -X GET $KONG_ENTRY/api/example-service/12bff66e-8243-11ea-9908-0242ac180003

Making additional DAO calls

One thing we have not yet discussed is the env argument to each of the hooks. The environment gives you access to the DAO as well as methods for accessing cross service communication.

This means you can perform additional database requests as part of your Before or After hook.

These can include the predefined database calls, or your own. For more information on this, see adding DAO functions.

For example, before updating a given entry, you may want to check what is already stored, and modify the update request accordingly:

package main
import (
func (env *env) setup(router *mux.Router) {
func ourCustomBeforeUpdateHook(env *env, req updateExampleServiceRequest, input *dao.UpdateExampleServiceInput) *HookError {
current, _ := env.dao.ReadExampleService(dao.ReadExampleServiceInput{
ID: input.ID,
// Modify the update query if what is currently stored is > 10
if current.Bar > 10 {
input.Bar = current.Bar
return nil

Aborting Requests

Finally, Hooks give you the ability to abort requests early, by returning a HookError from the hook.

For example, we could use this to disallow any requests where the value of Bar is greater than 10:

package main
import (
func (env *env) setup(router *mux.Router) {
func ourCustomBeforeHook(env *env, req createExampleServiceRequest, input *dao.CreateExampleServiceInput) *HookError {
if input.Bar > 10 {
return &HookError{
statusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
error: errors.New("The value of bar must be less than or equal to 10"),
return nil

Running some example requests:

# An example request where bar <= 10
❯❯❯ curl $KONG_ENTRY/api/example-service -d '{"foo": "abcd", "bar": 5}'
# An example request where bar > 10
❯❯❯ curl $KONG_ENTRY/api/example-service -d '{"foo": "abcd", "bar": 15}'
{"error":"The value of bar must be less than or equal to 10"}